Groninger branch

Everyone who lives in the county Groningen with the family name Leeraar are related to Jan Freriks, born on 9 september 1785 in Midwolda. He married on 8 august 1804 in Nieuwolda with Eke Tebbes from Winschoten.  This Jan Freriks takes through an act of name adoption in 1811 or 1812 the name Leeraar as family name together with his children. From that moment his name is Jan Freriks Leeraar. His two brothers and two sisters are taking the family name Kuiper.

Besides that the family assumed that the branch who lives in Groningen have Jewish roots, they also thougt that the branche came from Germany. This thought is correct because the great-grandfather of Jan Freriks, Frerik Edskes was born in Jemgum (Germany). His great-grandfather married on 2 july 1707 in Midwolda Frouwe Mentkes from Midwolda, where they stayed.

For a clear picture the family tree has been cut in two parts, namely:

Not everyone of the family stayed in the county Groningen. The first one who leaved the county is Aaltjo Leeraar. In 1895 Aaltjo went too America. He lived as farmer under the name of Joseph (Joe) Leeraar in  Britt (Iowa, USA) and married in 1906 Tena Sweers. His whole life he stayed in Britt. After some time the family name changed from Leeraar in Leerar. He never visited his family in Beerta again. His son Fred Leerar visited his family in Beerta and Finsterwolde after the liberation of the county Groningen in World War II. In 1961 his son William visited together with his (grand)son Raymond the brothers Klaas and Willem Barteld Leeraar.

Pieter Leeraar leaved at the beginning of the 20e century also the county. He married in 1910 in Dordrecht Neeltje Bron. The youngest son of Pieter en Neeltje, Antonie Hendrik Leeraar went to South-Africa. He married in 1931 Joan Nelsen.
Jan Geert Leeraar
also went too South-Africa and married in 1951 Elisabeth Barendina van Rossum.
Also Reinder Leeraar leaved the county. He went to Germany and married in 1970 in Buxtehude Inge Schulte.
At least Charles Leeraar went from South Africa to Great Brittain.